Class of 1958
Please use the response function at the bottom of this page to read other comments, or to add your own bit of history or memory. Be sure and sign with your name and e-mail address so your classmates and friends can write you.
These two photos are taken from the 1958 "Bobcat" yearbook. One is a class composite, and the other captures some of the spirit in the bleachers at a football game (just like our present students show, perhaps without the exotic dress), and the second shows two cheerleaders.
These photos and reference represent the very beginning of efforts to add more photos and stories that will be on our webpage in this alumni section for all to read and see.
Currently, our yearbook collection will form the backbone of this effort, but anyone that has a story to tell, or a photo to e-mail or bring in so we can scan it are encouraged to do so.
Hemingford has a rich history and a colorful past. Sharing these details with children and grandchildren will not only be a great way to stay in touch with alumni, but will also enrich the educational experience our present and future students will have.
Please write or stop in to see Mr. Ningen in the central office building. My e-mail address is (308) 487-3328 (voice) (308) 487-5215 (fax)