Class of 1962
Class of 1962
Hemingford High School
Student and Faculty Highlights of the Year
This page features athletic records, officers, themes, important numbers, important happenings, and other educational information from the year in question. It provides a quick and ready resource for Bobcat Grads and families!
Student Council Members –Seniors – Gene Bedient, Charlotte Fisher, Bill Engel; Juniors – Betty Woods, Margaret Gasseling, David Danbom, G Rosenberger; Sophomores – Paul Kampbell, Sharon Headden, David Dufek; Frosh – Janet Reynolds, Patricia Overstreet, Diane Rowley, Stephen Yardley, G Riggs, and B Gowin
National Honor Society Members – Patricia Steward, Mary Dickenson, Douglas Shaver, Betty Heinz, Sally Minich, Margaret Gasseling, Cheryl Coplen, Charlotte Fisher, Sharon Christensen, David Yardley, Donald Turek, Walter Dyer, Tom Manion, Arden Rosenberger
Music Department – Richard Marker was the director of the band, majorettes, and chorus. 40 members made up the HHS marching band and there were a whopping 80 members in chorus including 29 young men! Gene Bedient was the Accompanist.
Drama and One Acts – Junior Class Play – was “The Valley of Ghosts; starring Margaret Gasseling, Betty Wood, Anne Hagemeister, Sheryl Keane, Patty Thomas, Ella Dickey, Dave Danbom, Milton Moravek, Ed Dyer, Tom Manion, Tony Ustohol, and Jerry Lawson – the Ghost.
Also performed was the Senior Class Play – “My Sister Eileen”; starring Gene Bedient Larry Burney, LaVonne Campbell, Sharon Christensen, Cheryl Coplen, Mary Dickenson, Walt Dyer, Bill Engel, Gaylin Fickel, Charlotte fisher, Larry Lehl, Doug Price, Ed McDuffie, Shirley Messersmith, Jim Overstreet. Oliver Rasmussen, Georgia Schramek, Doug Shaver, Beverly Shimek, Rick Speer, Patty Stewart, Don Turek, Dave Yardley, Jerry Lawson, Arden Rosenberger, Noel Yardley, and Bob Planansky.
The second annual “Elmer Night” was held, allowing the students involved in drama to be recognized.
Football – Coach Rex Jones and the Bobcats had a successful season with a 6-1-1 record. Upper Classmen included: Doug Shaver, Gene Bedient, Rick Speer, Dave Yardley, Oliver Rasmussen, Jim Overstreet, Bill Engel, Don Turek, Ed McDuffie, Walt Dyer, Gaylin Fickel, Larry Lehl, Joe Planansky, Eddie Dyer, Dennis Tinsley, and Larry Morrison. Victories on the Gridiron came against Rushville (14-6); Hay Springs (19-0); St. Agnes (33-20); Morrill (33-6); St. Pat’s (25-0); and Crawford (14-0).
A 12-12 tie was played against Mullen, and the lone loss came against Gordon (0-12). The Bobcats were PAC Champions and tied for the Championship in the Northwest Conference.
Homecoming – Football – King was Rick Speer and Queen was Charlotte Fisher; Basketball – Queen was Shirley Messersmith and Escort was Dave Yardley.
Boys Basketball – Under the leadership of Coach Jerry Ecklund the Hemingford Bobcats compiled the best record in the history of the school with 17 wins and 5 losses. The Bobcats won the Panhandle Conference Championship and tied for first in the Northwest Conference.
Victories came over Assumption, Morrill, Minatare, St. Agnes, Crawford, St. Pat’s, Hershey, Hay Springs, Rushville, Gordon, and Holy Rosary Hemingford played some local teams more than once, going (2-2) against Crawford, (2-0) against Hay Springs, (2-0) against Rushville, (2-0) against St. Pat’s, (2-0) against St. Agnes, and (1-1) against Gordon. The Bobcats also lost to Mullen.
Following the regular season, the Red and White beat Crawford in the District Play-off, and then topped Hershey in the Regional Play-off to earn a ticket to the state tourney where they dropped their only game to Dodge (42-64) It was the best season ever for Hemingford in spite of the early exit at State.
Co-Captains were Bill Engel and Doug Shaver. Seniors included Shaver, Engel, Tony Ustohol, Don Turek, Ed Duer, and Joe Planansky.
Boys Track and Field – Coach Jerry Ecklund and his tracksters enjoyed a successful season and sent four representatives to the State Track Meet, Don Turek, Walt Dyer, Bill Engel, and Joe Planansky.
Clubs and Activities – The Pep Club put on a three –act play, “On Account of Larry”, set in a girls dorm. Sharon Headden played Liz, while Irma was played by Kathryn Kuhn. Queenie was played by Sheila Headden and Rhonda Rosenberger played the part of Dotty. Janie was played by Charlotte Fisher, and Bunny was played by Betty Heinz. Anne Hagemeister played Diana, and Phyllis Leetch played Mrs. Austin. Miss Brockway was played by Sharon Christensen, and Fanny was played by Cheryl Coplen. Viola Condry played the part of Aunt Clarissa, and Goldie Cribbs was played by Patty Stewart. Officers for the year were Shirley Messersmith, Beverly Shimek, Charlotte Fisher, and LaVonne Campbell. There were 46 pep cub members!
Cheerleaders were Patty Thomas, Patty Stewart, Sharon Christensen, and Mary Dickinson.
Basketball Royalty - Queen – Shirley Messersmith; Escort – Dave Yardley; Attendants – Sharon Christensen, Wanda Hinchley, Gen Bedient, Oliver Rasmussen
Football Royalty –Queen –Charlotte Fisher; King – Rick Speer; Attendants – Betty Jane Heinz, LaVonne Campbell, Jim Overstreet, Don Turek
Prom Royalty – Queen – Patricia Stewart; King – Douglas Shaver; Attendants – Patricia Overstreet, Linda Kampbell, Marcia Hennings, LaVonne Campbell, Walt Dyer, Roger Davies, Paul Kampbell, Ronald Hucke; Crown Bearers – D Wood, J Davies
Prom Theme – “A Roman Holiday” included a beautiful fountain, a replica of the Parthenon, and a racing chariot! The prom servers dressed for the occasion in togas.
Senior Class Motto – “Never turn back when you are at your goal”
Senior Wills:
- Betty Jane Heinz willed the chewed up gum under her desk to Mr. Schult;
- Jesse Athey willed his ability to get away with eating candy
- in class to Sally Minich;
- Charlotte Fisher willed her ability to keep her desk in
- A-1 condition to Cathy Caha;
- Jim Overstreet willed his ability to stay out of trouble to Don Parkin;
- Gene Bedient willed his piano playing ability to
- Carol Price and Diane Rowley;
- Bill Engel willed his convertible to Mrs. Johnson;
- Shirley Messersmith willed her height to Patty Masat;
- Wanda Hinchley willed her natural black hair to Anne Hagemeister;
- Beverly Shimek willed her fingernails to Marsha Hennings;
- Wilva Hill willed her coke dates with Jan Reynolds to Eddie Dyer;
- Bonnie Riggs willed her white pop beads to Mr. Jones;
- Georgia Schramek willed her comb to Mrs. Bosley;
- Lavonne Campbell willed her ability to march to Patty Overstreet;
- Sharon Christensen willed her ability to go steady for three years to Cathy Maiefski;
- Don Turek willed his height to Dennis Tinsley;
- Doug Shaver willed his big hands to John Hennings;
- Ed McDuffie willed his height and weight to Jim Olsen,
- Dave Yardley willed the zipper on his mouth to Dave Danbom;
- Galin Fickel willed his good-looking hair to his shaggy little brother;
- Bob York willed his ability to drive recklessly to Mrs. Johnson so she could drive Bill’s convertible;
- Oliver Rasmussen willed his ability to get kicked out of football games to Joe Planansky;
- Cheryl Coplen willed her ability not to break chemistry equipment to
- Anne Hagemeister and Arden Rosenberger;
- Mary Dickinson willed her ability to get her trig done before class to Anne Hagemeister;
- Viola Condry willed five horse to Mr. Fodnes to put under the hood of his car;
- Walter Dyer willed his ability to run the half-mile to Jimmy Burney;
- Rick Speer willed his coordination to Eddie Planansky; Marvin Knapp willed his ability to make mistakes to Sally Minich;
- Larry Lehl willed his ’62 Chevrolet to David Dufek;
- Doug Price willed his motorcycle to his little sister;
- Patty Stewart willed her soggy clarinet reeds to Mary Planansky; and
- Barbara Stull willed her typing ability to Ron Burney.
Senior Class Officers –President – Bill Engel; VP – Donald Turek; Secretary – Beverly Shimek; Treasurer – Patricia Stewart
Junior Class Officers –President – Margaret Gasseling; VP – Ed Dyer; Secretary – Patty Thomas; Treasurer – Sheryl Keane. The Juniors put out the school newspaper, and performed the Junior Class Play, “Valley of the Ghosts”.
Sophomore Class Officers –President –David Dufek; VP – Larry Morrison; Secretary – Darellyn Sample; Treasurer – Charles Osborn. The sophomores “worked hard to do anything to distinguish themselves from the freshmen”.
Freshmen Class Officers –President – Patricia Overstreet; VP – Ed Planansky ; Secretary – Mary Jane Planansky; Treasurer – Janet Reynolds. The Freshmen must have thought High School was “Way Out”, because of the space suits they wore, the obstacle course they had to navigate blindfolded, and the food and shocking surprise at the end.
Senior Awards – Scholarships were awarded to Cheryl Coplen, David Yardley, Sharon Christensen, and Patty Stewart. Gene Bedient won the music award; Doug Shaver the Dramatics award; Walter Dyer and Rick Speer – Athletics; Patty Stewart and Bonnie Riggs – Commercial; Douglas Price – Industrial Arts; David Yardley – Mathematics; Cheryl Coplen – Science; Betty Jane Heinz – Annual; Shirley Messersmith – Pep Club; Charlotte Fisher – Student Council; Gene Bedient – Citizenship, and Doug Shaver – All Around Student Award!
State Competitions – Boys Basketball, Boys Track
Special or Unique Happenings – Sneak Day was in Denver, First championship in both football and basketball, highlighted with the first trip to the State Basketball Tournament since 1927.
Most Athletic – Sharon Christensen, Richard Speer; Most Likely to Succeed – Patricia Stewart, David Yardley; Best Personality – Walter Dyer, Betty Jane Heinz; Best Looking – Douglas Shaver, LaVonne Campbell; Best Sense of Humor – Mary Ellen Dickinson, Gene Bedient; Most Friendly – Beverly Shimek, Billy Engel
Senior Class Enrollment – 31
Kindergarten Class Enrollment –16
Yearbook Dedication – Mrs. Adelyn Headden, for, “The priceless gifts of knowledge and inspiration you have bestowed on us.”
Yearbook Staff: - Mary Ellen Dickinson – Advertisements Editor; Charlotte Fisher – Subscription Editor; Doug Shaver – Sports Editor; Patty Stewart – Class Editor; Beverly Shimek – Subscription Editor; Sharon Christensen – Activities Editor; Betty Jane Heinz – Editor-In-Chief; and Gene Bedient – Assistant Editor The students also published the Bobcat Tails”, a monthly newsletter
Superintendent – Mr. Glenn E. Bosley
Principal – Mrs. J. Johnson
Elementary Teachers –Kindergarten – Mrs. Clark; First Grade –Mrs. Ball; Second Grade – Mrs. Vedder; Third Grade –Mrs. Furman; Fourth Grade – Mrs. Hebbert; Fifth Grade – Mrs. Fendrick; Sixth Grade – Mrs. Jezek; Seventh Grade – Mrs. Fentress; Eighth Grade – Mrs. Headden
Secondary Teachers – Mr. Jones, Mr. Fodnes, Mr. Miller, Mr. Kadlecek, Mr. Ecklund, Mr. Schult, Mrs. Headden, Mr. Marker
Other Staff Members – Mrs. J. Johnson, Glenn E. Bosley, Mrs. Edna Reindl, Mrs. Dyer, Mr. Herbaugh
Yearbook Advertisers –
Hagemeisters Grain Elevator, Phone 192
- Farmer’s Co-op Elevator Company
- Nebraska Certifies Potato Growers, Phone 7
- Miller Equipment Company, Phone 118
- Hemingford Lumber Company, Phone 36
- Hemingford Equipment
- Manion’s Conoco Service, Phone 232
- Hemingford Clinic (including Dr. John Ruffing, M.D., and Karen Hucke, R.N.)
- Bank of Hemingford
- Orrell’s House of Beauty, Phone 44
- De Mar Rental Service, Phone 44
- John’s Shoe Shop, Alliance
- State Farm Of Alliance, Phone 1505
- Coast to Coast in Alliance
- Ed Havranek, Carpentry and Cabinet Making, Phone 168R3
- Guardian State Bank in Alliance
- Gantz, Hein, and Moran, Attorneys
- Western Gas Fuel Company of Alliance
- Dr. D.N. Taylor DDS, of Alliance, Phone 1610
- Thieles Drug Store and Thieles Jewelry of Alliance, “Two Fine Stores”
- Gross Sundries
- Harry Anderson Garage
- Clark Radio Service, Phone 143
- Cut and Curl
- The Farmer’s Union Co-operative Oil Association
- Jack and Jill Groceries of Hemingford
- Jim’s Recreation
- Silver Line Salvage
- Gross Pharmacy, Phone 59
- Gambles Store of Hemingford
- Ray and Uhrig Implement, Phone 185
- Fanning Mill Service, Phone 155R2
- C.A. Newman, Furniture Repair, Phone 27
- Bob’s Gall and Body Shop of Hemingford
- Lamar Johnson, Watkins Products, Phone 208
- Burney Brothers Implement of Hemingford , Phone 215
- Athey’s Phone and Electric of Hemingford
- Joe Zak Mobil Service of Hemingford, Phone 40
- Earl Anderson Garage of Hemingford
- Martha Armstrong Piano Studio
- Fitzgerald Clinic of Alliance
- A & W Drive In of Alliance
- Helen’s Steak House of Chadron, Phone 2-2422
- Chuck Wagon Restaurant of Chadron
- Alliance Manufacturing Company, Phone 706y
- F & M Bootery of Alliance
- Keep You Neat Cleaners of Alliance, Phone 133
- Roy Chicoine Stocks and Bonds of Chadron
- Pioneer Skelgas of Chadron
- Northwestern Metal of Alliance, Phone 684
- Panhandle Warehouse of Alliance
- Ideal Market of Chadron
- Schultz’s Jewelry of Chadron
- Burney Elevator of Whitney
- Deaver Grain and Oil of Berea
- Metal products of Chadron
- Bank of Chadron, Phone 2-2203
- Cover-Jones of Alliance
- Dr. W.C. Thompson, DDS of Chadron
- Tibbits Blacksmith Shop of Berea
- Fairacres Dairy Farms of Alliance, Phone 22
- Van Sants Mobil Service of Chadron
- Bruer and Son Implement of Crawford
- Hemingford Texaco Station
- J.C. Penney’s of Alliance
- The Little Shop of Chadron
- Macek’s of Chadron
- Dr. Richard Davis of Chadron
- Frontier Garage of Marsland, Phone 4J1
- Johnson and Peltz, Inc of Alliance, Phone 1899
- Finecy Music Co. of Alliance, Phone 695
- Sioux Skillet, Red and Juanita, of Chadron
- Alliance Consumers, Phone 622
- Roxy Theatre of Hemingford
- Don’s Motel of Hemingford, Phone 206
- Alliance Sta-Nu Cleaners
- Alliance Livestock Auction, Phone 68
- Bud’s Trucking of Hemingford, Phone 294
- Stanly Prokop Jewelers of Alliance
- Home Bakery of Hemingford
- Chadron Sales Company
- Foster Lumber Company of Crawford
- Frock Shop of Chadron
- Howard’s Shoe Shop of Alliance
- Colacino’s Supper Club of Chadron
- Hub Hotel of Chadron
- Eitemiller Oil Company of Chadron
- Lee’s Texaco of Hemingford, Phone 157R2
- Dairy King
- Bob’s Standard of Chadron
- Western Auto of Chadron
- Chuck’s Service of Hemingford, Phone 43
- Hemingford Veterinary Clinic, Dr. Kiger DVM
- Home Lumber and Coal Company of Hemingford
- Morrill Motel and Liquor
- Securities Acceptance of Alliance
- Moravek’s Honey of Hemingford
- Dick’s Radio and TV of Alliance
- Hemingford Lion’s Club
- F & M Bootery of Chadron
- Alliance Elks Lodge
- Alliance National Bank
- Overstreet Standard Service Of Hemingford
- Shindler Hardware of Hemingford, Phone 38
- Dr. Donald Kennedy DDS
- Alliance Floral, Phone 151
- Chadron Milling Company
- Alliance Trailer Sales, Phone 584
- Dr. B.G. Bauman
- Borror’s Inc Chevy of Alliance
- Northern Plains Cattle Company
- Nicholson Conoco of Alliance
- Dr. A.M. Matthews, Podiatrist
- Sunset Motel of Alliance
- The Style Shop of Chadron
- Haskell’s Mobil Service of Chadron
- Dr. Vern Holmes, DDS
- Pepsi-Cola
- Don and Bill’s Meat center of Chadron
- American Legion Post No. 9
- C.A. Simpson, Excavating
- Reindl Insurance of Hemingford
- Missouri Market of Alliance
- Implement Exchange of Alliance
- Nonpareill Elevator Co. of Nonpareill
- D and O Hennessy of Chadron
- Flower Haven of Hemingford
- Ehrhart Bean Company of Alliance
- Roy’s Welding Shop of Hemingford
- Chadron Record
- Nebraska Typewriter of Alliance
- Lambert Lumber of Alliance
- Selleck Abstract Co. of Alliance
- Montgomery and Wards of Alliance
- Service Barber Shop of Chadron
- Lenla’s Style Shop of Alliance
- Dr. Keith Thomas
- Sidles and Chambers of Chadron
- Hemingford Ledger
- Jim’s Repair Shop of Crawford
- Henken’s Implement of Chadron
- Economy Furniture of Alliance
- Newberry’s of Alliance Phones: 38 and 39
- Mutual Life of New York
- Drake Hotel and Coffee Shop
- Alliance Redi-Mix
- L.B. Murphy of Chadron
- Bedient Litho
- Midwest Furniture of Chadron
- Alliance Rambler Company
- Bate’s Store and Fountain of Hemingford
- Hemingford Co-operative Telco
- Hemingford Community Chamber of Commerce
- Blundell Plumbing of Chadron
- Anderson Clothing of Chadron
Whew! That’s a lot of Advertisers!
Class of 1962 - 50 Year Reunion in Summer, 2012
John E. Millerj3miller@cox.netLemon Grove, CARetired | Feb 28, 2010 | I read through all of the names listed here and I was amazed at how many of the listed HHS students and staff whom I remember so vividly. It was a wonderful time in my life and the memories of my three years as a math and science teacher in Hemingford are indeed pleasant ones. Thank you for your fine work in providing this site --John E. Miller |