Class of 2003
Updated May, 2013
20 Hemingford High School 03
Student and Faculty Highlights of the Year
This page features athletic records, officers, themes, important numbers, important happenings, and other educational information from the year in question. It provides a quick and ready resource for Bobcat Grads and families!
Student Council Highlights
The HHS STUCO hosted a presentation by Holocaust survivor Benny Hochman, took care of the Marquee in front of the school, and sponsored Homecoming Week activities, including the parade and dance.
Student Council Members
Co-Presidents – Beth Klahn and Ryan Engel; Senior Representatives – Annie Kulas and Shaun Hansen; Junior Class Representatives – Tyler Prochazka and Sarah Liley; Sophomore Class Representatives – Taryn Wood and Samantha Ramos; Freshmen Class Representatives – Jordan Haas and Stephanie Sorensen
National Honor Society Members
Ashley Roland, Chase Engel, Ryan Engel, Brooke Vogel, Lance Nixon, Jena Lien, Kristin Leeling, Sean Casey, Lyndsie Ullrich, Mandy Danner, Leslie Shaver, Tyler Prochazka, Joe Collins, Sarah Liley, Dane Armstrong, Brittani Moeller, Megan Gettert, Ashli Jensen, Amy McKee, Kyli wall, Marlee Wenke, Reidi Smith, Paige Prochazka, Kristi Benda, Jeff Hoover, Abby Wacker, Micki Paris, Mary Moser, and Brian Reed.
Members sponsored a holiday breakfast for the faculty, raised awareness and funds for the National Spina Bifida Foundation through a Bowl-a-thon; tutored elementary students; and traveled to Denver for “A Christmas Carol”. Members also helped with, “Rock, Roll and Risk Night”.
Music Department
The swing choir was a bright spot at HHS, winning the Chadron State College Jazz Festival, and earning a Superior Rating at Districts.
The Band also excelled, winning Unanimous Superior Rating at Districts. The band also won Superiors at Octoberfest in Sidney for street marching as well as Field Competition.
Jazz Band members included Bryan Dugan, Steph Sorensen, Jeff Hoover, Micki Paris, Kelsy Forgey, Megan Gettert, April Roes, Abby Wacker, Brenden Rageth, Mallory Moeller, Joe Linegar, Kristi Benda, Jordan Haas, and Reidi Smith.
Jeff Hoover was the winner of the John Phillip Sousa Award. Senior Music Awards also went to Troy Lund and Kristine Benda.
A change from Josten’s to Lifetouch studios heralded the timing of the fiftieth edition of the HHS yearbook. Major contributors included John Coleman, who wrote numerous articles, and staff members Beth Klann, Sean Casey, Bobby Ruzicka, Brad Kuhn, Abby Wacker, Amber Goldstedt, Brooke Vogel, Paige Prochazka, Ryan Engel, and Annie Kulas.
With five freshmen out of ten team members, expectations were exceeded as HHS won three Speech Competitions! The OID team of Kyle Scott, Jaimee Schumacher, Gary Henderson, Brandy Walker, and Amy McKee performed a spoof on Shakespeare, entitled, “The Omelet Murder Case”, winning second at districts as well as Sean Casey in Extemporaneous Speaking, qualifying them all for the state meet.
Casey placed sixth at the State Meet in Kearney. Other team members included Stephen Stewart, Adam McKee, Lyndsie Ullrich, and Julie Magnuson. Faculty sponsor was Mrs. Kathy Bridge.
Drama and One Acts
The HHS One-Act Play was – "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". Director Karen Fastnaught thought, “the play was done well and was a a fun one to put together”. The play earned fifth place at WTC and Districts, and was the Panhandle Activities Conference Champion! Assistant faculty sponsor was Anne Junge.
Cast members included Gary Henderson, Kyli Wall, Brooke Vogel, Jordan Haas, Brian Reed, Walker Dobry, Reidi Smith, Kyle Scott, Nick Anderson, Chase Engel, Stephen Stewart, Brandy Walker, Mary Moser, Ashley Roland, Chevonne Forgey, Kristine Benda, Leslie Shaver, Sarah Lilley, Beth Klann, Micki Paris, and Amy McKee. Back stage hands were Ryan Engel, Stage Manager; Wes Sorensen, Taryn Wood, Sam Ramos, April Roes, Ashli Jensen, Andrea Colson, and Student Director Jaimee Schumacher.
Outstanding performance awards went to Mary Moser, Reidi Smith, Nick Anderson, and Brian Reed.
The Cats scored in every ballgame, and played hard in most games, falling seven straight times before a season ending victory over the Morrill Lions (13-8). Head Coach was Mo Hanks, with assistants Chris Watt, Jason Phelps, and Darin Garfield.
Post-season honors went to Ryan Engel, John Coleman, Tyler Prochazka, Wes Sorensen, Chase Engel, and Dylan Petersen. Senior Captains were John Coleman and Ryan Engel.
High School Volleyball had plenty of highlights, with 13 victories coming over Kimball (twice), Sioux County (twice), Hay Springs (twice), Rushville (three times), and Bridgeport in the regular season and Grant in Sub-Districts.
Post season awards were given in the PAC and WTC conferences to Paige Prochazka, Tiffany Savala, Brooke Vogel, and Abigail Wacker. The Lady Cats were coached by Ramona Hucke, assisted by Lisa Haas.
Cross Country
Coach Cindy Lanik had some hard-running Harriers for HHS, including Jessica Iodence, Amber Goldstedt, Marlee Wernke, Kristin Leeling, Leslie Shaver, and Beth Klann on the distaff side; and Bobby Ruzicka, Sean Casey, Kyle Davis, Joe Klann, Dustin Klein, and Brock White running for the successful Boy’s squad.
The Boys’ team qualified for the NSAA State Cross Country Championship for the second year in a row, with all team members returning for next season.
Girls Basketball
The Lady Cats had just six wins on the season with victories over Hyannis, Bridgeport, Sioux County, Hay Springs, Garden County, and Morrill.
Team Members included Brooke Vogel, Paige Prochazka, Micki Paris, Brittani Moeller, Marlee Wernke, Kristin Leeling, Maria Towne, April Roes, Chevonne Forgey, Magan Gettert, Mandy Dannar, and Rebecca Grant. Managers were Katrina Mundt and Melissa Cervantes. Coaches were Mo Hanks and Gary Klann.
All-Conference Honors went to Paige Prochazka, Brooke Vogel, Marlee Wernke, and Chevonne Forgey.
Boys Basketball
The Cats were a decent team in 2002-2003, with a Junior Varsity Season record of (8-2). Though no Varsity won-loss records can be found in the yearbook, the Cats were (10-9) the year before and (17-6) the year after. This absence of a published record does allow team members from then to inflate their own accomplishments a little though!
The Cats were coached by Tim Lanik and assisted by Nate Lanik. Team members included Tim Engelhaupt, Brad Kuhn, John Coleman, Jeff Hoover, Joe Collins, Tyler Prochazka, Tim Cullan, Wes Sorensen, Chase Engel, Adam Kuhn, Brock White, Taryn Wood, and managers Rindi Wood and Todd Prochazka.
Hemingford had a large squad of wrestlers during the 2003 season, Coached by Pete Gomez and assisted by Darin Garfield.
Twenty young men competed for the Cats, including Lance Nixon, Lloyd Votruba, Chris Holloway, Sean Wacker, Troy Lund, Ryan Engel, Shaun Hansen, Jason Wacker, Shane Cullan, Brent Rathburn, Ryan Schlediwitz, Bobby Savala, Dusitin Klein, Robby Planansky, Bobby Ruzicka, Adam Stricker, Jordan Haas, Tanner Sherlock, Jory Long, and Bridger Chytka.
Managers were Abby Wacker, Annie Kulas, and Val Elder.
Three grapplers had post-season honors, including Senior Shaun Hansen all-conference in the WTC at 125 pounds; Junior Bobby Ruzicka, at 152 pounds, also all conference in the WTC; and Sophomore Ryan Schledewitz, all conference at 145 pounds in the WTC, District Runner-Up, and a Fifth Place finisher at the Nebraska State Wrestling Meet.
Girls Track and Field
Cindy Ahrens had eleven dedicated tracksters in 2003, including April Roes, Jessica Iodence, Stephanie Savala, Sam Long, Jillian Cullan, Chevy Forgey, Tori Towne, Leslie Shaver, Kayla Wood, Samantha Ramos, and Kyli Wall. Team manager was Kelsey Forgey
Boys Track and Field
The Bobcat Thinclads reigned as Panhandle Conference Champions and qualified three boys for the 2003 NSAA Nebraska State Track and Field Meet for Coach Tim Lanik.
Joe Klann in the 1600 meter run, Ryan Schledewitz in the 400 meters, and Chase Engel in the 300 Intermediate Hurdles all took part in the big show in Omaha for HHS!
HHS Coach Gary Klann had ten golfers out, and the team finished third at WTC and was the 2003 Panhandle Activities Conference Champion! John Coleman had an outstanding Senior season, winning both WTC and PAC conference Individual Championships for Hemingford, as well as being selected for the “Best in the West” Invite.
Other team members were Beth Klann, Joe Collins, Brock White, Andy Kresl, Walker Dobry, Ole Anderson, Justin Morava, Tanner Sherlock, and Bryan Dugan.
Clubs and Activities
Cheerleaders were Jillian Cullan, and Sam Long, both Freshmen. Sponsor was Ms. Ann Junge
Flag Team
The Flag Team, under the Sponsorship of Sponsor Kim Wiedeman, was, “one of the best ever” according to Mrs. Wiedeman.
Members included Kristi Benda, Abby Wacker, Tiffany Savala, Mary Moser, Annie Kulas, Leslie Shaver, Sarah Lilley, Megan Gettert, Willow Smith, Britanni Moeller, Chevonne Forgey, Maria Towne, Micki Paris, and Reidi Smith.
Co-Captains were Brooke Vogel and Reidi Smith.
Quiz Bowl
The teams participated in conference contests in the PAC and the WTC. All-Conference Honors went to Sean Casey, who made the All-Conference Team in both conferences, with Reidi Smith and Blaine Magnuson on the PAC all-conference team.
Members included Smith, Magnuson, Casey, Jaime Schumacher, Ashley Roland, Brooke Vogel, Paige Prochazka, Jeff Hoover, Dustin Klein, and John Coleman.
World Strides
HHS students took part in the annual visit to our Nation’s capital, sponsored by Mr. Chris Watt. Members visited Capital Hill, the FDR Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, and Gettysburg. They also took a river cruise up the Potomac.
Those raising money and attending included Bobby Ruzicka, Gary Henderson, Kyle Davis, Dustin Klein, Sara Lilley, Micki Paris, Tim Cullan, Amber Goldstedt, Shane Cullan, Brooke Vogel, Leslie Shaver, Kristy Coker, Marlee Wernke, Jena Lien, Jessica Linegar, Phillip Scott, and Brittani Moeller
Selling fruit, making breakfast, raising money for State Contest, taking part in Farm Safety Day, the Petting Zoo, and of course all of the many Ag related contests throughout the year were some of the many activities that the Future Farmers of America took part in.
Officers included Parliamentarian – Andy Gibbons; Sentinel – Ashley Jensen; Reporter – Rebecca Grant; Treasurer – Val Elder; Secretary – Micki Paris; Vice-President – Ryan Engel, and President – Lance Nixon. Sponsor was Ms. Larson.
The FCCLA sponsored workshops dealing with playground politics, car seat safety, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and letters to Santa.
Members included Sam Ramos, Mary Moser, Jaimee Schumacher, Wesley Sorensen, Kyli Wall Lyndsie Ullrich, Megan Gettert, April Roes, Celena Fester, Andrea Colson, May McKee, Ashley Roland, Maria Towne, Mandy Dannar, Chase Engel, Tyler Prochazka, John Coleman, Brandy Walker, Rebecca Grant, Sarah Lilley, Kristin Leeling, Micki Paris, Brooke Vogel, Brittani Moeller, Leslie Shaver, Brian Reed, Marlee Wernke, and Chapter Sponsor Anne Junge.
The 2002-2003 Homecoming theme was , “It’s a Small World”; The volleyball team played Gordon, with the Cross Country traveling to the Gordon Invite for Homecoming week.
The football game was against Sutherland; For the first time in many years, the “H” was lit afire, getting the students, faculty, and parents pumped for the big week.
Dress Up Days included, “Ugliest Outfit Day”; “Favorite Decade Day”; “Favorite Entertainers Day”; and “What do you want to be when you grow up day”.
Homecoming Royalty
Queen –Abby Wacker; King – Ryan Engel; Attendants – Joe Collins, Annie Kulas, Jeff Hoover, Beth Klahn
Prom Royalty
Queen – Annie Kulas; King – Jeff Hoover; Attendants – Brad Kuhn, Leslie Shaver, Brian Reed, Kyli Wall
2003 Prom
Fire & Ice was the Theme for Prom, and students and their dates enjoyed a wonderful evening dressed informal attire. The Banquet featured a skit performed by the sophomore servers
Senior Class Motto
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you’ve imagined, and you’ll meet with a success unexpected in common hours." (Henry David Thoreau)
Senior Class Song
“Innocent” by Our Lady Peace
Senior Class Colors
Crimson and Black
Senior Class Flower
Red rose tipped in black
Senior Class Officers
President – Abby Wacker; VP – Annie Kulas; Secretary – Kristi Benda; Treasurer – Reidi Smith
Junior Class Officers
President – Brooke Vogel; VP – Sean Casey; Secretary – Micki Paris; Treasurer – Brittani Moeller
Sophomore Class Officers
President – Chase Engel; VP – Dane Armstrong; Secretary – Jaimee Schumacher; Treasurer – Brian Reed; STUCO – Taryn Wood, and Samantha Ramos
Freshmen Class Officers
President – Stephen Stewart; VP – Mallory Moeller; Secretary – Kyle Scott; Treasurer – Sam Long
Jeff Hoover and Paige Prochazka.
Ryan Engel and Beth Klann gave invocations.Jeff Hoover and Paige Prochazka each gave thank yous and final farewell addresses as well.
Special or Unique Happenings
With just a year elapsed since the destruction of the World Trade Center, HHS Alumni currently in the armed services were remembered; including Brison Kuhn, Class of 2001; Brett Sorensen, Class of 2001; Scott Krul, Class of 2000; Matt Benda, Class of 1998; Colby McCoy, Class of 1998; Tim Buskirk, Class of 1997; Troy Sorensen, Class of 1998, Sara Clark, Class of 1998; and Chris Baer, Class of 1988.
Awards and Special Events
Joe Collins received the Army reserve Scholarship Award; Abby Wacker, Kristine Benda, Val Elder, and Beth Klann won American Legion Auxiliary Scholarships; Jeff Hoover won the Outstanding Senior Weightlifting Award; Nebraska Boy’s State Outstanding Citizen Award, and the Senior Art Student Award.
Exchange Student
Mizuo Kudo joined the Junior Class and students at HHS for the 2002-2003 school year, journeying all the way from Japan.
Senior Class Enrollment –31
Kindergarten Class Enrollment –20
Edwin Hollinger
Mrs. Caryn Ziettlow – elementary; Todd Ziettlow – secondary
Elementary Teachers
Kindergarten – Mrs. Annette Davies, Mrs. Linda Folkerts; First Grade – Mrs. Lori Collins, Mrs. Jennifer Gasseling; Second Grade – Mrs. Jennifer Corlett, Mrs. Sally Engelhaupt; Third Grade – Mrs. Donna Engel, Mrs. Chris Stockton; Fourth Grade – Mrs. Marilyn Hucke, Mrs. Nancy Zajic; Fifth Grade – Mr. Tom Case, Mrs. Robyn Prochazka; Sixth Grade – Mrs. Cindy Lanik, Mrs. Kim Haas
Secondary Teachers
Cindy Ahrens, Kathy Bridge, Karen Fastnacht, Cathy Fingar, Darin Garfield, Peter Gomez, Gene Hanks, Brigit Harris, Kay Horstman, Ramona Hucke, Anne Junge, Gary Klahn, Tim Lanik, Janalyn Larsen, Mandy Plog, Sue Shaver, Lannie Shelmadine, Judy Stewart, Marla Wade, Chris Watt, Kinberly Wiedeman, Dennis Zajic
Other Staff Members
Mrs. Sandy Porter, Joyce Klemke, Jane Kuhn, Alta Wright