Class of 2009
20 Hemingford High School 09
Student and Faculty Highlights of the Year
This page features athletic records, officers, themes, important numbers, important happenings, and other educational information from the year in question. It provides a quick and ready resource for Bobcat Grads and families!
Student Council Highlights: The Student Council brought back the burning of the H, along with a bonfire and the smashing of an old car. This was a new and creative way to bring the fun back into Homecoming. They also held a Match-Maker dance to discover who your true soul mate was.
Student Council Members: Secretary-Kelly Marie, President- Joe Haas, Vice President- Anthony Adamson. Other members included Brady Horstman, Kyle Kaman, Tegan Yardley, Briley Hannaford, Jo Duncan, Kelly Marie, Allison Ludlow, Hans Hansen, Rachel Kaman, Nick Wood, Jason Rasmussen, and Baily Wood.
National Honor Society Members: Included President- Joe Haas, VP- Ashley Yardley, Secretary- Kayla Golka, Treasurer Katie Hughart other members are Jodi Stangle, NaKaya Fester, Emily Sample, and Brooke Hannaford.
Music Department: The Band, Swing Choir, Choir, and Flags led by Mrs. Chestley had a very busy year, attending concerts Honor Band/Choir, High Plains, PHC, and many marching events.
Drama and One Acts: The One Act Play was “The Remarkable Susan B. Anthony “and the 3-Act Play was “The Jungle Book” and “Cases of Mistaken Identities”. All three plays were led by Tabi Bryner and Kelly Thompson
Football: The team was led by Coach Robinson and Coach Collins. Senior players included Jake Long, Luke Moser, Beau Broadway, Jordan Petersen, Michael Bergfield, Anthony Adamson, Heston Paris, and Joe Haas. Other award winners were Trey Ramos and Chance Campbell. The seniors lead their team to a winning season being 7-1.
Volleyball: The team started out strong with 23 girls making the team for this season; they were coached by Coach Janssen, who was assisted by Coach Chatelain. There were four seniors who led the Bobcats to a Varsity record of 5-24. The seniors included Shelby Campbell, Ashley Yardley and Jodi Stangle. Another award winner was junior Brooke Hannaford. The JV had a record of 3-23.
Cross Country: The team consisted of five high school members with only one of them being a boy and six junior high members. The only senior out was Rachel Fletcher. The team included two time state qualifier Baily Wood placing 28th at state out or 123 runners. The team was coached by Coach Cindy and Tim Lanik.
Girls Basketball: This year’s seniors included Shelby Campbell (broke the point record scoring 1,133 points), Ashley Yardley, Jodi Stangle, and Rachel Fletcher. The players all worked hard to have a Varsity record of 8-14. The JV had a winning season going 7-4. The team was stupendously coached by Coach Chatelain and assisted by Coach Janssen and Coach Morava.
Boys Basketball: There were five seniors out and they included Anthony Adamson, Jordan Petersen, Luke Moser, Jake Long and Beau Broadway. The Varsity finished the season with a 9-12 record and the JV finished 2-5. The boys got 2nd in PHC and 3rd in the Mitchell Holiday Tournament.
Wrestling: A school record was broken by Joe Haas, having 100 wins. There were four wrestlers that qualified for state. These wrestlers included Aaron Jespersen (119lb), Jose Campos (125), Michael Bergfield (189lb; 5th place), and Joe Haas (215lb; 4th place); they were coached by Coach Karney and Coach Weber. The seniors involved with the sport were Adam Jensen, Joe Haas, and Michael Bergfield.
Girls Track and Field: There were 13 girls who went out for track. Out of the 13, two qualified for state. They were Baily Wood (3200m run and 800m) and Shelby Campbell (100m hurdles and 300m hurdles). The girls team was coached by Coach Ahrens. They ended the season placing second and PHC.
Boys Track and Field: Coach Lanik had 12 boys out for the season. The boys participated hard and had one qualify for state. Trey Ramos was the qualifier in Shot put.
Golf: The golf team consisted of 8 boys and was coached by Coach Olson and Coach Robinson. Joe Haas was awarded the MVP for showing up to every practice, meet and constantly striving to lessen his score.
Clubs and Activities-
FFA: The FFA group was led by Mr. Karney. The members did many fundraisers, which included giving away a free car, slave action, selling projects they made in the shop, and selling many types of foods. The senior livestock team won the district 12 FFA Livestock selection contest, and the Junior Team receiving 2nd. .
FCCLA: This year the FCCLA chapter participated in the Halloween Dance, Secret Santa, Star, and Kiss-o-grams, Big Brother/ Sister, Districts, and State. The district officers were Josie Fletcher, Alysha Kittlemann, and Jessica VanCopppenolle. The FCCLA officers included: Kelly Marie(president), Alysha Kittlemann(vp), Shauna Smith(secretary), Josie Fletcher(treasurer), Allison Ludlow(historian), and Baily Wood(public relations).
Speech:Coach Judy Stewart drove the team to and from meets and worked around the participants schedules. The speech team had a lot of fun memories along with great lesson they have learned and will use in the future.
School-to-Work:There were only three school-to-work students this year. They included Kelly Marie, Kim Magnuson, and Heston Paris. Their many rasks included answering phones, writing passes for students from the secretaries’ desk, and maintenance work outside.
Quiz Bowl: Due to weather the quiz bowl team only participated in two competitions. Mrs. Wade was the sponsor and held the practices in her room.
Cheerleading: This was the first year for cheerleaders for almost 10 years. The squad consisted of six girls. Helping the girls bring spirit back were coaches Linda Stangle, Mrs. Neefe, and Shelly Mconville.
Homecoming Royalty: King: Joe Haas; Queen: Jodi Stangle- Attendants include: Shelby Campbell, Heston Paris, Anthony Adamson, and Ashley Yardley
Prom Royalty: Queen: Kelly Marie; King: Luke Moser- Senior Court include: Anthony Adamson, Ashley Yardley, Heston Paris, and Shelby Campbell-Junior Attendants: Trey Ramos and Taylor Forgey- Junior Court include: Tylor King, Brooke Hannaford, Tyler Olsen, and Tannis Reif- Sophomore Attendants: Jose Campos and Katee Folkerts- Sophomore Court: Brooke Foster, Zane Jaramillo, and Baily Wood
Prom Theme: “These ‘R’ the Times”
Senior Class Motto: “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T.S. Eliot
Senior Class Officers: President: Ashley Yardley; Vice President: Heston Paris; Treasure: Jordan Petersen; Secretary; Shelby Campbell
Junior Class Officers: Taylor Forgey, Sha-Nae Orr, Brooke Hannaford, NaKaya Fester
Sophomore Class Officers: Andee Michael, Jose Campos, Chance Campbell, and Katee Folkerts
Valedictorian: Katie Hughart
Salutatorian: Ashley Yardley
World Strides: This organization allows students to travel various places around the world. This year the junior class had the opportunity to visit the sights in or around Washington, D.C. These places included Gettysburg, Lincoln Memorial, Shriver House, Washington memorial, and many other magnificent sites.
Senior Class Enrollment: 25
Kindergarten Class Enrollment: 30
Superintendent: Casper Ningen
Principals: Peggy Thayer- Secondary Principal, Ron Foster- Elementary Principal
Elementary Teachers: Pre- School – Mrs. Moudry, Kindergarten – Mrs.J. Lanik and Mrs. Folkerts ; First Grade – Mrs. Gasseling and Mrs. Benzel ; Second Grade – Mrs. Cullan and Mrs. Zajic; Third Grade – Mrs. Huddle ; Fourth Grade – Mrs. Osmotherly ; Fifth Grade – Mrs. Prochazka ; Sixth Grade - Mrs. C. Lanik, Mrs. Ningen, Mrs. Surbeck, Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Vogel, Mrs. L. Haas, Mrs. S. Haas, Mrs. Phillips, and Mrs. Benda was our elementary computer teacher.
Secondary Teachers – Mrs. Ahrens, Mrs. Fingar, Mrs. Georgi, Mr. Hanks, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Horstman, Mrs. Hucke, Ms. Janssen, Mrs. Chesley, Mr. Karney, Mr. Lanik, Mrs. Neefe, Mr. B. Olson, Mrs. Shaver, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Wade, Mr. Chatelain, Mr. Naden, and Mr. Zajic
Other Staff Members: Mrs. Engelhaupt was our Title teacher. Mrs. Davies was our elementary media para, Mr. M. Olson was our speech therapist. Mrs. Plog was our SPED supervisor, and was assisted by Mrs. Buchheit